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  • ADDRESS Conroy's Flowers Cypress
    4362 Lincoln Avenue
    Cypress, CA, 90630
  • CALL US (714) 947-0295
Sunset Serenade Bouquet

Sunset Serenade Bouquet


Immerse yourself in the enchanting hues of our Sunset Serenade Bouquet. Presented in a sophisticated white ceramic vase, this stunning arrangement showcases the vibrant beauty of sunflowers. Our exclusive hybrid roses, with their mesmerizing half-white and half-purple petals, add an extraordinary touch to this captivating bouquet. Radiant shades of yellow, white, purple, and verdant green fillers come together in harmonious splendor, evoking the warmth and allure of a captivating summer sunset. Let the melodies of nature serenade your senses with this breathtaking bouquet. With our same-day flower delivery, you can promptly bring the beauty and warmth of the Sunset Serenade Bouquet to any special moment.

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